We are excited to announce that Amazon.com shoppers can now elect to donate 0.5% of their purchase to support our mission at School Rocks Party Box. This is all made possible by shopping on smile.amazon.com. It's easy to get started! The next time you shop online we invite you to shop at smile.amazon.com and choose School Rocks Party Box as your charity of choice.
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Helping School Rocks Party Box is as simple as using your Kroger Rewards card every time you shop! School Rocks will receive a percentage of what you spend, every time you use your card! To support our mission, just follow these simple one-time steps to register and connect your card to our cause:
Tia Gannon from School Rocks Party Box was recently featured as a "Parent with a Purpose" on macaronikid.com! Here is an excerpt from the interview:
What is your MISSION? School Rocks Party Box’s mission is to provide school parties, school supplies, and other school related items to children and teachers so every child can experience the fun of a school party. What do you want to accomplish? The goal is to provide underserved school children a party to celebrate a holiday or as reward the class for a job well done. We provide games, books, puzzles and other activities for the students to enjoy in their classroom. What inspired/encouraged you to start? Being a mom to a 1st and 3rd grade boy, I have always been involved in their classroom activities and parties. The children in the classroom have always had so much fun. I then realized how not every classroom is able to have parties. Is there one specific moment when you knew this was what you wanted to do? Since both my boys were... Continue reading at: macaronikid.com Tia Gannon, mother of two boys, is an active parent who always attends her children’s classroom parties. She also used to be an event planner, so the love for doing this was a perfect fit. Her boys loved classroom parties so much that she began thinking about the children who were not as fortunate to experience this in their classrooms (either because of lack of funding and/or parent participation). She turned to Facebook in May 2016, as a way to find a partner teacher – the response was overwhelming! In less than 1 year, School Rocks Party Box, has developed into more than just classroom parties, but now focuses on the needs of the whole child, as well as enriching the children’s learning experience.